Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sorry friends...

Here’s a post for all who want to know….I’m so sick of blogging…I have no time, no energy and no motivation. But I do want to say that yesterday I took a leap of faith and put my number on the windshield of someone I like. I hope they don’t think I’m an idiot and all. But I wrote “Have a good Thanksgiving. Call me sometime if you wanna hang out or do something 425-****. Kourtney” Yes dear friends, I feel like a complete idiot, I really hope that he does not think that I’m some crazy stalker girl. If nothing comes out of it he’s really cool and I would enjoy just hanging out as friends. He’s a hotty however so I’m kind of hoping but not hoping to the point where I’m going to be hurt and disappointed in the end. I have class with him today at 11, I really hope that maybe he makes that leap of faith as well, and that he doesn’t think I’m a real idiot!!!

On a sad note, today we mourn the passing of Sissy Manley, whom I’ve known most of my life and today, they will say their last goodbyes to an amazing woman, mother, wife and grandmother. She was always so perky and so spunky and I’m going to miss running into her in various places. My mom gave me the news last night stating that she did not want to tell me over the phone, and yes I flipped out and cried, as strong as I tried to be I failed. As I sit here and write this I cry, because it was so sudden, no time to say goodbye to the one you love. I remember as a little girl there was this one time that we rode down to Lubbock in their motor home to watch my sister run cross country, and they had this little doll on the window that when you squeezed this little pump, he would moon the car driving by. I was like six or seven, so it was rather amusing. We got to Mae Simmons Park there in Lubbock, and a friend of my sisters was holding me, Caroline, and my sister mentioned that my pants were falling down. So Caroline put me down and I thought it would be funny to moon everyone so I did. I thought it was hysterical, and everyone was so shocked. I remember getting in trouble by my parents and although I was little they didn’t think it was funny at first but they know exactly why I did it. Thanks to the Manley’s and their little mooning doll!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

I appologize IMMENSELY!!!


I'm thinking up a post right now. I've been so busy and there has been no time for posting!! Grrr..I will tell you of the adventures that happened since the last post and I'm pretty for sure you will find yourself rolling in a big puddle of your own urine!!! If not, well, then I'm sorry I could not make you wet yourself.

Until then....oh yes, and Halloween pictures will be coming soon!! I promise!! It maybe Thanksgiving before I get those posted...well, you get the point....
