I know I don't blog much anymore on here, except for my once a year September 11th posts, but I had some thoughts this afternoon while washing dishes. I don't know how soap is so magical, or maybe it's the running water, but every time I do the dishes or I get in the shower, I have profound thoughts. Is it the soap or the running water? I'll never know, but it's cleansing to the soul somehow.
Stay at home moms are under appreciated. I think the world thinks we sit around on our couches watching the newest episode of Real Housewives while sipping wine and eating bon bons. It could not be more opposite of that. Let me paint you a picture. I get up in the morning, get dressed, take care of the dogs, make my coffee, homeschool the boy, start laundry, and do dishes. That all happens before lunch time. It continues after lunch too. There is always more laundry, more dishes, more dogs to swap out, and much more to do. It's a never ending cycle. I can't remember the last time I actually sat down on the couch and watched tv during the week. I usually turn on a show while I fold the laundry and then turn it off when I'm done.
I know my husband goes to work during the day and works hard for our family. I thank him for all he does and make sure the kids understand that without dad's hard work we wouldn't have the things we have. I don't want them to think that material things just appear out of thin air. Without him we wouldn't have a whole lot. I'm thankful he works hard doing a job that he loves.
The flip side of that is stay at home moms. No one thanks them for a nice dinner, they only complain when it doesn't taste good. No one thanks them for clean laundry, they just put it on like it's another day. No one thanks them for a clean house that they get to come home to. No one thanks them for taking care of their children or giving them a quality education, its just questioned when it isn't done correctly. It's a thankless job that's expected of us no matter what. Even when I was a working mom I was expected to do all of those things without any help.
Moms, whether being a stay at home mom or a working mom, don't get vacation days. We don't get time off to just chill. When we come home from work we keep running, because it's what we do. Men come home from work, kick off their shoes, and relax. Mom's don't relax, even when our heads hit the pillows, we are constantly thinking about all of the things tomorrow brings and we are making a game plan. We take care of everyone constantly and someone always needs something.
I don't complain much because I know that not everyone is in the position we are in. Some moms have to work. Unfortunately as the world gets more expensive, people have to sacrifice and it's a hard one to make. I know I don't sound grateful, but I am. I'm grateful to have a hard working husband who has busted his rear throughout the years to be appreciated in his line of work. That allows me to stay home. I have sacrificed to. I sacrificed my education to give the little guy a good education. I only have one shot at giving him the best education I can. I have many opportunities to go back to school. Will I? I'm not sure, but that time we maybe in a position of travelling and enjoying life without caring for someone here at home. I'm not sure what the future holds, so I take it one day at a time. Do I have dreams for my life? Yes, but I realize that I'm getting older and my dreams today look different than they did 10 years ago.
All that to say, if you have a mom, stay at home or working, in your life, thank them for the small stuff. What we do goes unnoticed until we don't do it. We are not second class citizens because we are women, we do the hard things to. When you're a stay at home mom providing for your family looks a little bit different, but it's still hard. Maybe we don't leave the house to go to work, but we are always working.