Well, today I have joined the world of Furby owner's...am I crazy...probably. I was not deprived from the Furby Craze, I just had no desire to have these things. I got my first two Furby's from Brooke's God Sister. She has grown out of them as she is 13 now. They were really popular when I was in the 7th and 8th grade, so that made her like kindergarten. I have no idea. The one's I have are fun, but know nothing...absolutely nothing about them. We don't let Brooke get a hold of them because they would end up dead and missing parts. They are pretty cool.
I also got me a Nano Puppy while at Toy's R Us getting Brooke her birthday gifts. The girl had no idea what I was talking about until I said you know a Tomagotchi, she was only 17 or 18, I'm sure she really didn't care to remember them. I actually had one before that while in school. However, they don't live very long because I really don't have all day to dedicate to taking care of them. I would have to get a Nano-sitter. I remember carrying them around school, and often times they would go off during the middle of class. None of the teachers really never knew whose it was because 3/4 of us had them. We just turned off the buzzers, but if you forgot to turn the thing off it was bad news for you.
I remember the different fads that us kids went through, from the Furby's, Pocket Pets (Giga Pets...), Beanie Babies, from string to do Cats Cradle, The Littlest Pet Shop Ever, Pogs, Koosh Balls, Tickle Me Elmo, Pokemon, Polly Pocket, and I'm sure many more that I can't remember. And who could forget Pound Puppies.
The fads of your youth are wonderful to look back on, and even go back to sometimes. Now as I have my daughter I would like to expose her to these kinds of things. I bought her a pound puppy the other day, and hopefully someday she'll sit down and ask me about the kinds of toys I had to play with. I will be delighted to tell her. I also hope that she can have that one doll that is super special to her. I have a Cabbage Patch Doll that was given to me by Great "Uncle Glen" who passed on a month ago, that is very special to me. He gave it to me for Christmas when I was 4, and I played with that doll so much, that he no longer has toes.
I hope that everyone at least has one chance to re-visit their childhood before or when they have children. Its something that everyone should have the privaledge in doing.
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