Okay, so my best friend and I were talking about things and it just so happened that the subject now has a blog post.
How Do You Know?
At the end of the day, do we really know what we are meant to be? Lately my life has been bombarded with so many things from the past and possibilities for the future and I can't help but feel helpless. I look around and it seems like everyone has everything so figured out. I look at my life and nothing in it is for sure. I have never been so confused and so unable to make any decisions. Is 21 too young to be making life and career decisions? I am beginning to think that it is. I am amazed at how many people my age or younger are engaged without having known each other very long. I can speak from experience that even after 2 years of dating, marriage is still a question. Granted, we have decided we want to get married but when the country you live in has a 50% divorce rate it makes you want to take the time to be sure. I started making decisions about my life when I was 18 without really even knowing much about myself or the world I was taking a step into. How would I be different if I had been given the chance to make the same decision after I had a few years of real life under my belt?
How do you decide what is the right thing for your life? How do you choose between two people, two career paths, and everything else that pops up in between? If you have a chance to right a wrong from the past, but it will change your life, do you take that chance? How do you choose between two people when you know your decision will result in someone ending up alone? Society demands so much of its youth at such a young age that I wonder if we are setting ourselves up for failure?
What I have realized is that life, a cruel as it seems, throws you these problems without giving you the right tools to fix it and so you make mistakes and lots of them. There is no shooting star to guide your way, no giant sign to let you know the right path to take. You just have to close your eyes and jump in-- choose the best way that you can. I certainly hope that time will be kind to me, I hope that I make the right decisions, and I hope that someday everything will make some kind of sense. I hope that someday I will be happy and that all those close to me will find the same.
Thanks Megan for this wonderful post.
After I read it I knew she had hit the nail on the head. You know the reason for the drinking laws being 21 is because thats the point in time where your brain and organs quit growing and developing, but yet they let us out of school at the age of 18. Should it not be a requirement to keep us until 21? Its just like they're releasing flies from a huge container and expecting them to survive on their own, with out teaching them BETTER survival skills. You don't think they teach those Survivor contestants how to survive on rats, and bugs, among other things? Heck no, they dump them on an island in some remote part of somewhere and say figure it out on your own. So I would say, that yes the demands that society has placed upon its youth is setting them up for failure.
I would say that out of my class of 132 men and women there are plenty who have already been married and divorced, are married, or who have kids. Its scary. You meet the man of your dreams in high school, do the puppy love thing, decide to marry him, and within a years time are filing for a divorce because you two were never ready to get married in the first place. Some high school marriages last, but most don't survive past the first year. In todays world the odds are against you. I am 21, have a baby, and a decent job, but I am far from being ready to stand at the alter and profess my love for someone.
1 comment:
damn I am a genious!!!! lol j/k
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