Thursday, May 11, 2006

Making Chicken Soup!!!

Mr. Joug Dohnson smoking his pipe. We thought it was funny.

So apparently my teacher accepts any excuse known to man as to why we, his students, didn’t do LAST WEEKS home work. I called to inquire about turning in my test corrections the next morning, and told him why I failed to do them last week. Plain and simple no excuse at all, Kourtney, FAILED to remember to do them. Oops. So I told him that I was ill last week and forgot to do them. Okay, he says, well, all you have to tell me is that “you’re making chicken soup?” I chuckled in disbelief that my teacher would tell me such a thing. If you’re out there Mr. Dohnson, I enjoy your class, and enjoy the teacher that you are. You are not boring, you make it interesting, and you add some much needed daily humor to my life. You make other teachers look rather…well lazy. I will personally thank you for the time that you have put forth to personalize this class to fit our lifestyle’s, jobs, and families. It has been a much welcomed relief to me. As well as helping us to write a letter or to help us with our assignments. YOU ARE THE WORLD’S GREATEST EDUCATOR. Good luck with finishing school. YOU DESERVE IT.

I would not advise you use this with your employers!!!!

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