Friday, July 07, 2006


So today is yet again Fortune Cookie Friday, and I am well. Megan, her mom Allison, and I ate lunch at our favorite Chinese food hot spot yesterday, so Megan, THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO POST TODAY!!!

Well, it turns out that by the time last Friday evening rolled around, I was no longer in pain, and I went and got Chinese food. The parents are back in town and once again I AM WELL. I finished the last antibiotic yesterday! WOOHOO!!!

Here is my fortune:

"A friend or partner will soon be calling on you for help" - in bed.

I wonder if it's true!! Considering that there is no "in bed" with anyone for a week, I wonder what kind of help I could be asked to give!!


I will post pictures of the goodies my folks brought back soon!! Got some cool stuff.

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