Thursday, October 12, 2006


Why does this always happen to me?

So here at work, the office staff is awesome. I can not complain there. However in the women department is it not so great. As a kid I never really had a place in any group and tried my hardest to fit in. Here I am 22 years old and still searching for my place in the world. Although I have come to terms with it more now than ever that I don’t really care about what my place is in any group. I’m not going to lie, cheat, and steal to fit into anyone’s little mold. I am me, I am who I am, and not what everyone else wants me to be. I AM KOURTNEY!!! I however do not appreciated being treated like shit because I don’t fit into your little mold that you have created and designed for those around you. I’m sorry if you don’t like me for who I am, but I am honest. I will not tell fake stories or one’s that are highly exaggerated just so that you think I am “cool.” I am not cool, I will never be cool, and personally I don’t want to be cool. I am a “cool” aunt to my neice and nephew whom I love and adore very much. I do not have anything in common with these “women” here in the office and I see now that I really don’t want to be. I don’t have horses therefore I’m not spoken to unless I speak to them first. I am not accepted here and it’s because I don’t sit at people’s desks for an hour and chit chat about the 100 horses I really don’t have. My god get a life, damn, don’t you have work to do, because damn, I sure do have a lot. If your that bored my fish tank at home needs to be cleaned out, get after it.

I have an amazing friend and some of you may have read her blog before. She is amazing in every sense of the world. She completes who I am. We have had plenty of falling outs but we never have forgotten where our tiny little roots began to grow and then magically blossomed into an amazing flower. We have never forgotten to be humble or even humbled by the things in our lives. We have never forgotten that even though we were not raised with a lot of money our friendship DOES NOT depend on that. We are who we are for a reason and I love Megan more than anything. We have been best friends since we were 6 years old. I can remember her coming over and playing and me going to her house to spend the night on more than one occasion. She is a true friend. When no one stuck by my side when I found out I was pregnant, she was there holding my hand every step of the way. She even was friend enough to carry the pregnancy test around Wal-Mart, even after seeing one of our classmates. She is an amazing woman, and I hope that we grow old together.

Thank your best friend today for being there through the roughest of times!!!

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