I discovered that the only dried fruit I liked is dried bananas...the rest is just too gross for me to even imagine eating. I got some tropical trailmix that had nuts and dried fruit in it and the only thing I would eat was the banana chips. I've always been adicted to those things.
"Hi, my name is Jalopy and I'm a banana chip addict."
Come to think of it, I've never really been interested in Rasins. Perhaps its for the same reason, I like my fruit juicy and all over me, not dainty and out of a package!! I bought it because I thought it would be a good low-cal snack for me to take to work to munch on, it appears I will be living off of nuts and rice cakes...who knew. So I bought some dried apricots, dried mango, and Crasins, I'm afraid all of it will go to my co-worker who eats those kinds of things, and I'll be living off of rice cakes!!
Also friends I look like I've been socked in both eyes considering Brooke didn't go to bed until 2:30 last night...Egan get ready buddy because this will be you soon as well. Prepare yourself now. Get up at least three times a night averaging every two hours. You will be more prepared that the rest of the potential parents out there. You will know what is on tv at all times, because you will be up!!!
I can remember after she was born and we brought her home. It was such a relief because I hated that hospital, I HATED it!!! The bed was horrible, and I just wanted to take my baby home and not be monitered all the time. Well, feeding time would come at all hours of the night for the first couple of nights we were home, but after a couple of days it kind of worked itself out and she would get up at the same times everynight and I would get up to pump, or mow the lawn according to my friend. Anyway, all I knew was that at 4 AM "Pensacola Wings of Gold" would come on and that was my all time favorite show. We used to watch it religiously and then it mysteriously went off the air, who knew it'd be on at 4 AM when we needed it the most. Anyhow, it made the time of "mowing the lawn" and feeding Brooke seem like no time at all. I miss that show.
Anyway, I'll possibly be posting pics soon of that building that is going down. I'm going to miss looking at the architecture of the building as it was built in 1933 and added onto in 1945!!!!!
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