Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bucket List

Tonight Brooke and I went to watch Fools Gold and The Bucket List. I have to say that TBL was the better of the two movies. I loved it. Perhaps it’s because there are so many things that you say you want to do before you die, but when you’re so close to death those things seem so real. So why not while we all think we still have time to live make our own bucket list? It also hit home in a very sensitive way. Both of these men were fighting Cancer and both of them were taken from it. This past year as many of you know my dad fought cancer and we won’t know until March if he has beat it. June of last year he had his prostate removed and everything looked promising, then in November we found out that it was back. He went through six weeks of radiation and like I said we are still waiting to find out if he has in fact beaten this nasty disease. I’m not sure if my dad had a bucket list or not but I’m pretty for sure that at no point in all of this he thought he was going to die. So tonight, I sit here, pondering upon some of the things in the movie and wondering what is MY bucket list? What am I going to put on it? At the ripe old age of 24 you never think that at any time you could or will die, but at any point it could be your last breath, your last hello/goodbye, and that goodbye could be forever. It could also be the last time that you tell someone that you love them. Then the one you never told will never know. Maybe that’s where I am. Neither one of us want to say it first…hahahah…I’m waiting it out. My bucket list might start out simple but as the simple things turn complicated so will my years of knowledge, courage, and growing faith. These things will change what will end up on my bucket list. No, I’m not dying, that I know of, I’m pretty healthy I think, but why wait until your dying to start one?

Kourtney’s Bucket List

~Change someone’s life for the good.
~Raise Brooke to be the most well behaved, and courteous girl.
~Go skydiving
~Fall in love with the most amazing man.
~Tell someone I love you.
~Visit Italy, Germany, Europe, and Japan.

So for now that is my bucket list. You can put anything you want on there, but don’t let anyone tell you that something shouldn’t be on your list.

On another note, my Gabriel comes home tomorrow and I’ve never been more excited!!!! I’m hoping to get to see him sometime next week!!! WOOHOO!!! I’ve missed him so much, he’s been gone since, February 7th, and it’s been tough. Dating someone in the oilfield has definitely been a change that I have had to get used to. It was something that we weren’t exposed to when I was a kid. I’m not sure that anyone ever gets used to it. I was talking to someone else that works in the oilfield and he mentioned that most marriages result in divorce because the men are gone so much. I mean money is definitely not an object to me, sure it’s nice to have, but it doesn’t make you a better person. Infidelity is the most common in these divorces, but I’m afraid that if you really do love your husband you wouldn’t do some other guy!!!

Anyway, I can’t wait to see him and give him his Valentine’s day present. I’ve missed him a ton!!!

Until next time America….

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