Monday, December 01, 2008

What do we know about love?

We do know that when you fall in love its the most incredible feeling in the world.  I have experienced that for myself.  I fell in love with the most amazing man back in April and on November 12th, that all came to a screeching hault.  Why do you ask?  Because he kept a record of wrongs.  Love keeps no record of wrongs.  No tally sheets with the things that you've done and how many times you've done them.  Love is kind.  Kindness, hmm...what is that.  He was kind all right when things were going his way.  He loved me when Brooke wasn't around sometimes.  Yes, we got to spend more time like that when my parents kept her, but do you know what.  It wasn't quality time.  Going to dinner, then coming home and watching him play Call of Duty...oh yes, it was a romantic evening for all involved.  NOT.  Often times I went to bed by myself, only to be awoken by the sounds of bombs going off and rapid gunfire.  I understand that was his time to unwind.  But did you know that he more often times than not got home way before we did, because I had to drive a million miles to go home, and he would not pick up that X-box controller until we got there.  You would hardly ever come home to find him playing while we were gone and then get off because his "family" was home.   You see, we did lots of things as a family.  We went out, ate dinner, played outside, hung out, and you guessed it....we sat and watched as he played Call of Duty as a family.  He wouldn't let Brooke drag out her toys and have a grand old time because she would get in trouble.  He would pick the biggest battles with her instead of letting the small stuff go.   I'm not saying that he was a bad dad, but he was always onto her.  There are some things that she does, that don't really require that much harsh punishment, ie...the belt!!!  Yes, dear friends, it became her best friend. It was hard to sit back and take there for a while.  Knowing full and well that she did not respond to other forms of punishment....having her toys taken away.  She often times would tell him that she didn't like him anymore.  He never once said, that's okay because I still love you.  He would never tell her that on his own, she had to tell him first.  Now granted, I tell Brooke that all the time, because I do love her unconditionally.  He was new to this being a "Daddy" business and was the one to tell me that I shouldn't correct her if she says it.  Well, now I'm having to reverse that.  I hope he understands how much he's let her down.  How much she really did love him.  How much she really does want her Daddy back.

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