Sunday, October 11, 2009

We are like a carrot?

I read this book to Brooke it's simple and I love it. It's called "The Carrot Seed"

I shall recite it for you to get the bigger picture.

"A little boy planted a carrot seed.

His mother said, "I'm afraid it won't come up."

His father said, "I'm afraid it won't come up."

And his big brother said, "It won't come up."

Every day the little boy pulled up the weeds around the seed and sprinkled the ground with water.

But nothing came up.

And nothing came up.

Everyone kept saying it wouldn't come up.

But he still pulled up the weeds around it every day and sprinkled the ground with water.

And then, one day,

a carrot came up

just as the little boy had known it would."

Now you ask how are we like carrots? Because it only takes one little seed in our lives to be planted and for someone to care and nurture it despite everyone's negativity. All that little boy did was take care of that little seed, and guess what despite what everyone said, that carrot seed grew! That little boy must've been proud. I suppose that's how parents are. You plant a seed in your child and the more you nurture it and care for it the more it grows, and it's so excited to see your children grow. It's exciting to watch that little seed turn into something amazing. I suppose it could be the same in a relationship. The more you nurture and care for it the more it grows, when you stop doing those things, the relationship stops growing and becomes stale. Much like a seed that no one took care of. What if that little boy gave up? He wouldn't have proven his parents wrong and I'm sure he wouldn't be proud of those things either. What if we gave up on our children or a relationship with someone we care very deeply for? Our children would amount to nothing and we would never have a quality relationship. Many of us would have never found a soul mate, a husband, a fiance, or a boyfriend. We would have nothing! That dear friends is how we are much like carrots!

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