Thursday, December 30, 2010

The New Year!!!

I'm ready for the New Year!  What does that mean?  I'm not entirely sure.  I can tell you that when 2010 rolled around I said, "I'm so ready for a New Year and a New Start!!!"  We can always start new at any time of the year, why do we have to wait until the New Year?  I was thinking about this today.  I just happen to be professing my faith in January of 2011, but 2010 was good to me.  I'm so excited that I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  So I can not sit here and say that I'm getting a fresh start in 2011 because I would be lying.  My fresh start happened 1 week ago today, which I was totally excited about.  We don't have to wait for the next year to roll around to make things happen, we can make them happen at anytime.  Yes, I know that 2011 will bring great things just like 2010 did, but it's never too late to make a fresh start. 

So today I recap what 2010 brought me and my family!

In January Colby and I started talking again, which was awesome.  Some things happened and it was quickly over again.  We began getting back into church again.  I spent a lot of time with my sister at this point.  Brooke was not doing very well in her new school!  Of course she had only been there a couple of months at this point.  I also got me a new job at an electrical supply warehouse.

February - Colby and I were on the fritz but things would soon be mended when he sent me Valentine's Day roses.  They are still in their vase and dried sitting on my night stand.  Even though the roses themselves are dead they symbolize one man's love for me! :)  I also celebrated 26 years of life with a wonderful boss.

March - I'm not sure what happened here but I'm sure I spent plenty of time with Colby.

April - we celebrated Brooke's 6th year of life and it was awesome.  She's such a blessing in my life.  We also celebrated Christ's return.

May - Colby went and watched his cousin get his wings in Oklahoma, while I watched Brooke graduate from Kindergarten.  I was a proud mom and one that felt very sad that my baby was growing up.

June - by this point I had lost 46 pounds and was feeling better than ever.  For once I could run and walk with ease.  What a great feeling that was.

July - We celebrated July 4th here at the house probably watching a movie with Brooke.  I also made the toughest decision as a mother and that was something I had to do for my child.  My daughter went to go live with my sister while I get my life straighted out and get on my feet.  We also started going to a new church.

August - I registered to go back to school, 8 hours.  I thought I was going to die.  I was still working at the same ole place as I was in January, except things were starting to get bad there.  My hours were being cut and some other suspicious things began happening.  Brooke started her 1st grade year.  It was a sad day for one momma.  I suddenly began realizing how OLD I was!

September - School was going good, just busy as ever. There were many tests and many bummed moments when I would find out my test grades.  I tried to spend as much time with Brooke as I could, but sometimes it was really hard.  She began to understand what was going on, and why I was doing this FOR her. 

October - School was getting tougher, my grades were starting to improve and things were getting better all around.

November - There was good news all around.  I was looking forward to Thanksgiving, although it would definitely be one like no other.  Brooke would be spending her first holiday with her dad and away from me. It really did suck, but what do you do?  I also started a new job doing the same thing I was at the old place just at somewhere new.  I love it there even still!

December -  School finally was over for the semester and I walked away feeling more confident than ever.  I proved to myself that I could do it even at my age and some years of not having been in school.  Two A's and one B and I was happy with it all.  It was tough but I wouldn't have traded it for the world.  I also had an amazing meeting with a very awesome guy at the church.  On that night I would give myself fully to Christ.  I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior and was told that I would be baptized sometime during the first of January.  I'm totally excited.  This has brought Colby and I very close, realizing that this is a road that we would like to walk together.

I'm looking forward to registering for school in January along with a lot of amazing things that I know will happen in the year 2011!  I pray that you have a very Blessed and Happy New Year!

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