So the past has two legs. Two legs you may say...yes two legs, two arms, and the rest you know about. The past is male. This man I call my ex, which is from when I was 18, always calls when his WIFE is out of town. He always wants me to come over and see him or go out of town with him to somewhere. No is always the answer, for heaven's sake he is married. And if I were really mean I would call his wife when I know that he is at work and inform her of these occurances, but I don't want to ruin the marriage because she will find out and it won't be pretty. However, I will not be the barrer of bad news to his family, that's his job. It would be totally different if I were friends with he AND his wife, but I am not. I do know her from when they dated way back when, but I'm not familiar with her now. I feel kind of creeped out because he is a pervert, and he has asked me to sleep with him many of times since they've been married. This girl is not giving in, she is not going to ruin someone's marriage. I will not ALLOW it to happen, nor will I be the fuel to feed the fire to his family. I am much stronger than that, although some may dissagree.
You should check out Megan's blog as she had an ex boyfriend encounter yesterday as well. Perhaps yesterday was Ex boyfriend day, and no one told us.
We went to the baseball game last night with my dad, I'll post pictures later.
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