Tuesday, February 27, 2007


So tonight I went to the mall to go get some new shoes, went to Champs, and their customer service today was sucking!! So I walked down the mall a little way to FinishLine where the customer service was excellent!!! So I looked at some shoes there when Brooke decided she had to go to the potty...okay fine..I took her!! We got back and we were looking and I found the shoes I wanted. While I was talking to her Brooke was in my view pushing around the stroller.. Well, I turned my back for not even a minute and out the door she went. Mind you, I'm looking at shoes so I only have the one I'm trying on my foot. So I holler her name and I don't hear anything. So, I decide she has run out and indeed she has...I hobble out of there with one of their shoes on, which I'm only trying on, and run after her. I remember that my purse is still int the store, so I stopped halfway and she meets me. I get her back in the store, ask her if she knows what's fixing to happen and she tells me that she's fixing to get a spanking. *ding ding* Right answer, next answer is that she gets strapped in the stroller. She threw a fit, a HUGE fit!!! So I got my shoes paid for and got the heck out of there. I felt sorry for them and they understood thankfully.

My sister called a little later and Brooke knew she was in big trouble because she didn't say a word for most of the rest of the evening!!!


SCH said...

I wish I could tell you that this stage ends quickly, but I can't. Suffice it to say that you will still love her when she outgrows this!

KourJalopy said...

WEll, I'm glad to know that!!!

Anonymous said...

Good post..why go for shopping..u can get very nice shoes from this website where they give you good service..they have very good design..i mostly purchase shoes from here.