Thanks for making the Holidays a stressful time of year for everyone in our family. You have made it to where I could really care less about any of them because it's always so damn stressful.
Mom, you never help do anything, you sit on your ass and claim that you're back is hurting and what not. You order people around and then bitch when it wasn't done "right." I've gotten to the point where if I never have another family holiday I'd be fine with it. I'm so sick of walking on eggshells for you during this time. We can't even have a decent family freaking holiday because it's always about doing something to please you. I'm not about pleasing you anymore. I have a family now and I for once would like to do my own thing. Just for once without being freaking crucified for it. Why is it that when I finally have a boyfriend for the holidays and want to spend it with him, OMG...there is going to be a war because I need to spend it with my family. OMG...not everything is about your family. Where does MY family fit in? Oh wait, you are my family, but I have my own with Brooke now. Sometimes you make me want to hide in my room and not associate with anyone. I was so looking forward to not living with you during the holidays. If you think I'm going to sit in this house for two weekends in a row you are freaking WRONG!!
Dad, you act like an asshole because mom is being a bitch. Please stand up for yourself every damn once in a while. I know that due to some hormone therapy and the cancer you haven't been yourself in a while, I'm sorry for that, but please stand up for us too. You act like her being a bitch to your children during the holidays is okay. Well, I'm here to tell you that it's not. She had abused us for long enough when we were younger, why the fuck don't you stand up for us now. When are you going to say enough is enough? It's time to let me go. Stay out of my personal business. If I think that you need to know something, I'll freaking tell you. It's MY LIFE. MINE and it's PERSONAL. My relationships have nothing to do with you. Stay out of them. If the both of you would quit freaking prying for information all the time, then maybe I'd be more willing to share with you what's really going on in my life. However, you can't seem to leave me alone about it, so you get no voluntary information anymore. Does it matter where I'm going to church? So long as I'm going and worshipping God, I don't think so. I'm going and you should be happy that we've found somewhere Brooke loves to go and that I enjoy as well. Just because I don't go to the same church or believe the same way you do anymore doesn't mean that I'm not going and worshipping the same exact God you do, I'm just doing it the way I've found that works for me.
Mom & Dad, You've got to begin to understand that I have a life and just because you're not in the middle of it or it doesn't involve you much anymore doesn't mean that I don't love you, it just means that I've gotten older and I really CAN do my own thing. I don't need you there to pick me up and dust me off with I fall anymore, or bandage my wounds. I can do all those things myself. You sometimes keep the wounds open. Just because you don't have a life doesn't mean that I don't. My life has just changed a lot lately. My life now includes Brooke and someone that I love very dearly. I'm sorry if you don't like the fact that you've been "replaced" but it's going to happen sooner or later. Dad, I'll always be you're little girl, and know that you'll never take the spoiled out of me, because you've done such a good job at it. But please respect the people that I love the most. Respect that they do their damnest to make sure that me and Brooke are taken care of and are happy. Someone makes me very happy and I'm happy about that, but please cut the cord, Dad. It's time to let go, and it will be okay.
Mom, leave me the hell alone. I wish I had nice things to say to you and about you but unfortunately I don't. You have created this for yourself. You've made your bed, now I really hope that you have fun wallowing in your own self pity, because you're the only one that feels sorry for you. You're health problems are probably due to the fact that you don't do anything. When was the last time that you took a nice stroll down the street...oh yea...I can't even remember the last time that you actually left the house just to get out. Go somewhere every once in a while and quit wondering why you're back always hurts, if you'd get off your ass and do something, it probably wouldn't.
Please know that Christmas will be spent with Brooke and I. I'm ready to do our own thing and it starts this year.
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