Okay, guys, I sat down and thought of 100 things about me...some of you know about them, some of you don't. You learn something new everyday...or at least you should.
1. My name is Kourtney
2. I’m naturally blonde.
3. It shows
4. I have brown eyes
5. I have a 17 month old
6. Her name is Brooke
7. I call her Punchkin
8. I despise her father, aka…spermdonor, greatly
9. I have a terrific best friend
10. Her name is Megan
11. We have been friends since we were in the 1st grade
12. We graduated from HS in 2002!!! GO RANGERS!!
13. I have an AMAZING best friend.
14. His name is God.
15. He will solve ALL my problems, IF I allow Him to.
16. We live at home with my folks.
17. I am a daddy’s girl.
18. Brooke is a poppi’s girl.
19. I have 2 sisters.
20. The oldest is Tuesdie
21. The middle is Celeste
22. I was in entomology as a kid.
23. I hate bugs.
24. I was also in 4-H.
25. I showed pigs.
26. I like my closet.
27. It’s a place to get away from the world when you’re having a bad day.
28. Megan helped me name Brooke.
29. My mom is a lovable pack rat
30. So am I.
31. My sister Celeste is creative.
32. She stole all the creative genes.
33. Brooke loves her Aunt Celeste
34. I have 3 nieces
35. 1 nephew
36. Brooke is ¼ Puerto Rican
37. But she’s really white…you would never know.
38. She tans well.
39. I burn, peel and never tan.
40. I am a single mom.
41. My favorite color is NOT pink…ick.
42. It is purple.
43. I am a tomboy.
44. I like any CSI show on tv.
45. My favorite movie is “The Sound of Music”
46. I love Julia Roberts.
47. She has a beautiful smile, and she is pretty.
48. I don’t like to shop.
49. I hate going to Wal-Mart.
50. I was in girl scouts until the 6th grade.
51. My mom was the troop leader.
52. I don’t want to get married.
53. I’m afraid to get married.
54. I’m afraid that if I get married, I’ll get divorced.
55. I’ve been proposed to twice.
56. I said no both times.
57. They were both losers.
58. One still is a loser.
59. I work for my dad.
60. I’m spoiled by my dad.
61. My mom hates that I’m witty like my dad.
62. I like people.
63. They do not like me.
64. I don’t like going to the movies.
65. I don’t like their high prices.
66. I can sneak candy or food into games or movies in a diaper bag.
67. They cannot deny me food for my daughter.
68. I don’t like sitting behind a desk looking pretty.
69. I’d rather have a hammer in my hand.
70. I’m obsessed with reading Milblogs. (you should try it)
71. They’ve taught me a lot about life in Iraq.
72. Reporters only report bad things about Iraq.
73. They are dumb.
74. I was made fun of in high school.
75. I was a nerd.
76. I’m still a nerd.
77. Someone refers to me as a “nut.”
78. I have never done drugs.
79. They are horrible.
80. I do like to drink.
81. I don’t drink and drive.
82. I don’t like people who do.
83. My sister was hit by a drunk driver.
84. I like to talk on my cell phone.
85. Dad used to get mad.
86. I once had a $300 cell phone bill.
87. He was ready to kill.
88. Brooke likes to talk on the phone too.
89. I like to write.
90. I have 5 different journals.
91. They all start and end in weird places.
92. I can’t find all 5 of them.
93. My mom does not read them.
94. I really hope my mom does not read them.
95. I could be in big trouble.
96. My mom and I didn’t get along when I was younger.
97. I was a spoiled brat.
98. We get along much better now.
99. My sisters and I are 10 & 12 years apart.
100. I have nails for the first time in 21 years…thanks to braces.