Monday, January 30, 2006


Well, guys, yes its true...I got myself a Dell. I'm totally excited because now I can post from home. Thats really exciting and I can check email and other things. My dad and I decided that the thing I needed to do was to get myself a new computer since mine is ONLY 10 years old. Its slow as Christmas, so here it is my new computer. I love it so far, seeing as I've only gotten to play on it today and yesterday. I also got me an all in one printer, copier, scanner, and fax as well. I needed a new printer as well because mine isn't compatable with my laptop because its nearly 10 years old as well. I'm working on getting the old out and moving the new in. WOOHOO!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, between the Stockshow, Brooke being sick, Team meetings, a Walk to Emmaus, school, and work, I havne't really had any time to pick my nose or scratch my rear. Bummer. Nothing interesting has happened lately, except a few weekends ago Megan and I went to Raldy's apartment and had us some fun times. It was great. I'll have to post a few pics of that later on, and the things we saw coming home. Anyway, my clothes are washing, my eyes are closing, and Saturday Night Live is on on a MONDAY EVENING. Anyway, more later from the world of Kourtney.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O.K. I can see it now, much better. I just have to click on the title. So, remove previous comment. Love, Aunt Gloria