Monday, October 16, 2006

Dear Fish,

You have been replaced by more interesting fish. You were loved and have been hiding in the car for sometime according to Brooke. We now have a black molly, a dalmation molly, a Mickey Mouse Platy, and two glass fish, as well as a frog. You and your baby's are missed, but these guys are more fun.

Okay, I replaced Brooke's fish that I accidently killed, and that is what they were replaced with. I kind of miss the baby's and watching them swim around, however, they were kind of a pain, always having to make sure they didn't accidently get sucked into the filter. The new fish are cool, although I don't think I'd get glass fish again, because they are kind of boring, but I do like watching the molly's play and frolic around the tank, if frolic is a word that can be used in the tank. Anyway, I hope that I'm taking care of them properly. Word to the wise aquarium keepers, do not use any ordinary sponge because unfortunately you run the HUGE risk of killing them. Go to a petstore near you and buy an aquarium sponge....THE FISH ARE BEGGING YOU!!

Have a nice day, and I hope everyone had a great weekend.


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