Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jesus sat with me!

I'm experiencing some trials right now that we all go through when walking a Christian path.  There will always be obstacles to overcome, fears to be had, and many tears that are shed along the way!  Tonight as I drove home I began talking, but who was I talking to.  I had no visible passenger, it was just me and my radio going down the road in my big ole truck.  I have 5 available seats in that truck and the passenger seat was occupied by a very special man.  His name is Jesus.  I was just talking away and all of a sudden I felt this great presence in my truck.  At one time I had no idea how I was getting home because I was just talking away.  He was listening the whole time and comforting me more importantly.  I looked over and though I could not see him smiling at me, feeling his presence was all I needed to know that he was listening.  I expressed my fears, concerns, doubts, sadness and many other things.  There were many tears shed in my truck on my drive home.  I'm glad it wasn't in the daytime because people would've thought I was crazy.  Oh I'm crazy all right, but not in a bad way.  I'm walking a new path and though sometimes I have to be reminded it's easier to sit and say, I'm a Christian and I should not do that.  I'm now comforted by the things that I expressed this evening.  I let go and let God.  It's not always easy, but if you don't do it you become a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off.  Those are things I no longer need to hold onto.  

In blogging my experience I hope to let you into the New Kourtney, with a better outlook in life.  A more Christian attitude and a whole new spirit.  I'm a Child of God and how amazing is that.  I've been saved by the blood of Christ.  God gave HIS one and only begotten Son so that I could have the things I have today.  So often we get caught up in the material things and forget why we have those things.  We tend to forget that if it had not  been for Jesus, we would not have anything we have today, we would have all been persecuted long ago.  Thank you God for sending your Son to die on the cross for MY sins for the rest of my life.  

I propose to call this blog something else, Starting Anew says it all, but it would not be new and improved if I kept it.  I will figure something out!

Goodnight and God Bless!


CharmBracelet said...

Love your new outlook and blog! Welcome back! Megan

KourJalopy said...

Thanks Megan. I'm glad to be back. It's been crazy hectic but here we are...ready for more chaos! Ready to start back to school!