Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas is coming soon!!

There are officially 4 days until Christmas, and if you still believe in Santa, like I do, then he will be coming to visit too. I hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy New Year!!!

What Santa can bring me this year for Christmas:
1. a trip without Brooke to Tahiti
2. a man to go with me on my trip to Tahiti
3. an engagement ring from this man who is accompaning me on my trip to Tahiti
4. a wonderful Christmas for Brooke
5. a Christmas where all of the family gets a long for once
6. to spend quality time with my family
7. the promise of a new year
8. to help me to remember the REAL reason we celebrate this HOLY-day.
9. that no matter how near or far my family is, that they will be thought of this Christmas.
10. a safe and Merry Christmas to all soldiers and soldiers families around the world.

Okay, was informed about numbers 1-3 through lunch that perhaps I should know this man really well thats accompaning me to Tahiti or he might just turn out to be a real butthead. Thanks Daddy Jim for informing me of this. FYI Daddy Jim is like my second dad because he has a daughter, Melody, who is one day younger than I. Him and my dad have worked together for 21 years. Pretty much family if you ask me. I have lots of second dads because all the guys at work kind of look after me. Thanks guys, and HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

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